There will be a coffee morning in aid of St Catherines Hospice in the foyer of Martlets Hall, Burgess Hill, on Saturday (10am-12.30pm)There will be a coffee morning in aid of St Catherines Hospice in the foyer of Martlets Hall, Burgess Hill, on Saturday (10am-12.30pm)
There will be a coffee morning in aid of St Catherines Hospice in the foyer of Martlets Hall, Burgess Hill, on Saturday (10am-12.30pm)
Plenty of places to go and lots of things to do across the county.


WALK: Every Wednesday. Meet 10.30am, Bandstand, Carfax, Horsham. Choose a 30 or 60 mins, flat HDC Health walk on good paths around Horsham park and pond. Suitable for elderly and those recovering from illness. Wheelchairs and buggies welcome. Dogs on a lead. Doreen 01403 230293.


New Absolute Beginner Line Dancing Class: Every Thursday, 1.30pm-2.30pm, Roffey Sports & Social Club, Spooners Road, Horsham. No drinks, the club has a bar. Call Lisa on 07984 757311. Visit www.flyinghighlinedancers.com.

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WALK: Meet 10am in the pub car park of the Star Inn, Rusper. Mostly flat, 5¼ miles, HDC Health walk, moderate inclines and stiles, through woods and farmland to Friday Street. Could be wet and muddy in places. No dogs. 2½ hours. Geoff 01403 258180.


Desire2Dance: Parent and toddler dance class, 1.30pm-2.30pm, for children under two-and-a-half years old, £4.50, Broadfield Scout Hut, Seymour Road. Email [email protected] to book your space. Info: www.desire2dance.org.uk.

Prayer: 2pm, St Wilfrid’s Church, Haywards Heath. Ecumenical service for Women’s World Day of Prayer. All welcome.

WALK: 2½ mile, flat, circular HDC Health walk along bridleways, country lanes and Downs Link. Meet 11am in the Country Park car park (off Cripplegate Lane), Southwater. Can be muddy. 1¼ hours. Dogs on a lead. Parking charge 50p. Jill 07780 701184.


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COFFEE MORNING: In aid of St Catherine’s Hospice. In the foyer, Martlets Hall, Burgess Hill, 10am-12.30pm. Enquiries to Judy Redd 01444 248595.

Jumble Sale: 2pm, Plumpton Village Hall. In aid of the Plumpton Summer Activity Scheme.

Mind, Body, Spirit Sussex Festival: 10am-5pm. Lewes Town Hall, High Street, Lewes. Healing therapies, psychic readers, holistic goods and products. Free family-friendly creative craft play area and storyteller. Free group healing sessions throughout the day. Free entry. Vegan cuisine by Mama Ghanoushe, Hassocks.

Southgate Community Forum: Public meeting. 2pm, St Mary’s Church, Wakehurst Drive, Southgate. Presentation by Angela Butcher. Network followed by questions from floor. Question Time with Henry Smith, Conservative Member of Parliament for Crawley. Questions to Southgate Councillors. Raffle draw, refreshments. Next committee meetings held in Committee Room C in the Town Hall, 7pm, April 4 and May 2. Info: www.southgatecommunityforum.org.

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