Brighton foodies join forces to open new kitchen space

Aye and GemAye and Gem
Aye and Gem
A new community kitchen has been launched to help small, independent food businesses in Brighton and Hove.

Plant Stories is run by Gemma Ogston of Gem’s Wholesome Kitchens and Aye Mya Oo of Fu Fighters.

Gemma said: “Having both run our businesses from our homes for the previous three years, we have always been on the lookout for affordable kitchen space to share.

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“We’ve both been looking for something for years in Brighton but it was either too expensive or didn’t exist.”

The initial plan was to find something the two plant based businesses could share but then the pair realised that there must be other small food businesses in the same boat.

Gem said: “We want to provide a safe space where vegetarian or vegan food industries can flourish and grow, a supportive community of like-minded people that love the idea that plant-based food has a future.

“We believe that we make our own stories. Each of our stories weave together and add to the bigger story, that is of our vibrant and unique city, Brighton.

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“Independent food businesses are such an integral part of what makes Brighton such a wonderful place to live as well as the reason why so many visitors return multiple times.

“We would like to help support all the colourful plant food stories that are sprouting up around this community and give them a space to grow strong roots. We recognise that in this unforgiving time, it’s important to nurture each other.”

Gem and Aye met on Instagram and realised they had a number of mutual friends and kids of a similar age which led to them becoming good friends .

Gem said: “We then started doing some supper clubs in the city which became a huge hit and was fun to work together on.”

The Plant Stories space is based at BRIGHTHELM.

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Its aim is to provide a fully equipped kitchen space to rent by the hour on short term rolling monthly contracts from as little as five hours per week. Gemma and Aye want it to be a friendly, inclusive hub for emerging new food businesses to test out ideas without huge commitments.

“It’s kind of like a hot desk/ desk share but for plant based food businesses,” Gem added.

“It can be so lonely working from home so having others to bounce ideas with will be great.

“We are really excited about the whole journey and can’t wait to be able to support not only each other, but others in the same boat.Its going to be so much fun. cooking together and no doubt dancing around the kitchen while we work.”

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She added: “We are getting our heads together at the moment to hopefully cook for the homeless or provide food for a community project that needs it so we can support those that need help within the community.”


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