COUNTY NEWS: Genius! Imran, 18, bags first-class degree

Imran Nasim with his family, from left: mum Michelle, brother Adam (21), Imran (18) and dad Tariq. Picture: Liz PearceImran Nasim with his family, from left: mum Michelle, brother Adam (21), Imran (18) and dad Tariq. Picture: Liz Pearce
Imran Nasim with his family, from left: mum Michelle, brother Adam (21), Imran (18) and dad Tariq. Picture: Liz Pearce
At the tender age of 18, Imran Nasim from Sussex has already got a first-class degree under his belt.

Due to his impressive grades he has been offered a PhD spot in Physics at the University of Surrey.

He enrolled with the Open University aged 14 and graduated a month ago.

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He received a first-class honours degree in Mathematics and Physics (BSc), which his father said ‘had not been achieved nationally’.

At the tender age of 18, Imran Nasim has already bagged a first-class degree and has been offered a PhD spot. Picture: Liz PearceAt the tender age of 18, Imran Nasim has already bagged a first-class degree and has been offered a PhD spot. Picture: Liz Pearce
At the tender age of 18, Imran Nasim has already bagged a first-class degree and has been offered a PhD spot. Picture: Liz Pearce

He said: “I am really proud and it is very encouraging to be offered a PhD spot, which I have accepted and will start in September.

“I worked really hard on my degree, so it feels great. My aspiration is to go into academia – I am very excited.”

Imran, who lives with his family in Burgess Hill, was doing higher level work at the age of 12 and 13, which he said ‘felt normal’ to him.

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He realised his potential when he regularly toured with his brother Adam, now 22, who was a professional ITF Junior Circuit tennis player.

Imran celebrating with his family. Picture: Liz PearceImran celebrating with his family. Picture: Liz Pearce
Imran celebrating with his family. Picture: Liz Pearce

“I was always touring with Adam so I wasn’t really at school, so my father home schooled me,” said Imran.

“My brother Adam got a degree at aged 20 and a masters in Maths by 21. He was also home schooled. We would work to a time table and my father would set goals with me.”

Imran’s father, Tariq Nasim, 54, has been a tutor for the past 30 years. He has home schooled all of his children.

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He said: “As a father I am very proud. This has not been achieved nationally and I feel this is an educational achievement that ought to be celebrated in our local community.

“It can hopefully inspire young people in the area and proves there are no constraints. In a world like today there is so much to learn so there is no excuses.

“I didn’t really help Imran much, nor Adam, they did it themselves. If people put their mind to it, they can achieve too.”

Mr Nasim said home schooling was the ‘best decision’ for all his children.

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“They wouldn’t have experienced their full potential at school,” he said.

“It has worked out really well. Me and my wife, Michelle are very proud of all of them.”

The couple’s three daughters, Shermeen, 28, Amreen, 26, and Zersheen, 24, have also excelled in education.

Shermeen teaches English in London; Amreen got a PhD in Colarado, and used to teach at Ardingly College and Zersheen teaches Economics at Reigate Grammar School and will be starting at Worth School in Crawley this September.

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Their eldest son, Jazz, 29, achieved a joint honours degree in English Language and English Literature.

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