Head fears funding issues could kill small schools

Staff and children at St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary SchoolStaff and children at St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary School
Staff and children at St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary School
A headteacher said he feared smaller schools would die out thanks to the 'crippling' financial problems they faced.

James Field, head of St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary School, in Lambs Farm Road, Horsham, has called for more money to be pumped into the country’s education budget, comparing the government’s new National Funding Formula (NFF) to “moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic”.

Mr Field is the latest headteacher to voice his concerns about school funding. While the NFF saw £1.3bn put into education – with £28m coming to West Sussex over the next two years – his fellow heads have said rising costs would leave schools worse off.

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Mr Field said: “They keep saying there’s more money than ever going into schools but a big reason for that is there are more children than ever.”