Remembering the Bognor milkmen of old

One of our diminishing services is that of the daily delivery of milk to our doorstep.

For many of us we usually find the milk float in front of us on the main Bognor to Chichester Road.

However this has not always been the case, so I thought we should have a look at the history of this customer service.

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Around the 1830s it would have been a common sight to see herds of milking cows passing along the streets and lanes around Bognor.


For example Dungcart Lane, which is today known as Hawthorn Road is one road that was used for this purpose.

We should remember that at this time much of the land surrounding Bognor was in fact pasture land with numerous farms. It was the farmers who were to become the dairymen who first delivered milk to our doorstep.

One of the earliest references I have found dates back to the 1840s when there appeared to be two main families who were trading as dairymen.

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