Campaign launched over Broadbridge Heath bypass closure

As frustration continues over the closure of the Broadbridge Heath bypass a new campaign has been launched.

Part of the A281 between the Tesco roundabout and Newbridge roundabout has been permanently shut off to traffic with works currently ongoing to downgrade the stretch.

Angry motorists were stuck in huge tailbacks in the area when the closure initially took place on May 7 with an increase in traffic along Billingshurst Road and the A264 also causing chaos.

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A new petition has now been launched calling on drivers and local residents to ‘voice their frustration and concerns’ over the closure.

It states the closure has led to an increase in traffic on small country roads in the area and has caused a bottleneck for vehicles passing through the old village. It also claims businesses have been affected.

The petition has been created by Helen Eade and will be submitted to West Sussex County Council’s Road and Travel department.