
Catsfield newsCatsfield news
Catsfield news
Lent: The Lent Course started on Wednesday and as this is The Year of the Bible, the specially produced Diocesan Course entitled '˜Hear the Word of the Lord' will be the basis of the course. The meetings are on Wednesdays until Easter week and start at 11am (10.30am for coffee) in the parish Room at St George's Church, Crowhurst or if you prefer the evening, it will start at 7.30pm with tea/coffee available at 7.10pm at The Rectory, Catsfield. They last about an hour. You do not have to be at every group and although there is an opportunity for group discussion, nobody has to feel they must contribute. These groups are always very friendly and relaxed.

Race Night: Not content with holding a Boat Race a long way from any water, the Catsfield Triangle Association are holding Chas and Chris’s Race Night far from a race course! This will be on Saturday 25th March in the Village Hall. Doors open at 7pm and ‘they’re off’ at 7.30pm. There will be a licensed bar and bring your own food. Tickets cost £5 to include the first drink and are available from Scott Lavocah at [email protected] This event is to raise money for Catsfield Pre-school, Out of the Blue and Dragonflies. The Catsfield Boat Race will be held on Sunday 4th June 2017

WI: The numbers at the March meeting of the Catsfield WI were again depleted, with apologies received from many members who were unwell. However, Jerusalem was sung with enthusiasm as usual and we sat back in our seats to hear the business matters from the President, Secretary and Treasurer. We were reminded of the WI Jumble Sale on March 25th in the Village Hall at 10am and helpers are needed early to sort the jumble in preparation for the usual rush when the doors open. Please remember to bring whatever jumble you can lay your hands on and small cakes to serve with tea and coffee. Suggestions are needed at the April meeting for how we should celebrate our 100th anniversary next year, so members need to put their thinking caps on and come up with some ideas please.

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