Cooden Beach fails the test

Cooden is among 10% of UK beaches which passed Marine Conservation Society tests last year but have failed this year.

Overall, the national picture was the biggest year-on-year fall in the Good Beach Guide's 21-year history.

Cooden Beach was graded a "basic pass" in 2007, as was Bexhill Beach.

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But while Bexhill retains its "basic pass" rating this season, the MCS Good Beach Guide, announced on Wednesday, gives Cooden a "fail" rating.

The MCS lists 66% of beaches in the south east as MCS Recommended '“ 88 out of 133 tested '“ in its annual Good Beach Guide (

This is a drop of 10 % on last year. The MCS attributes this year's results to the impact of storm pollution on the latest bathing water tests, conducted from May to September 2007 which was the wettest summer on record.

Across the UK as a whole, there is a 10% drop in the number of bathing beaches recommended for excellent water quality compared to last year.

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In total, 443 (57%) UK beaches are MCS Recommended this year out of 778 tested, compared to 495 last year.

Beaches failing the minimum legal standard more than tripled from 17 to 53, and MCS blames this drop in water quality largely on an increase in storm-related pollution caused by the wet weather.

However, 443 recommended beaches across the UK is still more than double the total in the Good Beach Guide edition of 2000, which suggests that the 20 billion invested by the water UK industry has brought permanent benefit to Britain's beaches.

MCS Coastal Pollution Officer Thomas Bell said: "These latest MCS results buck the long-term trend of cleaner bathing water but we're pinning the blame squarely on last summer's exceptionally bad weather.

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"Heavy rain sweeps pollutants like raw sewage, street debris and animal waste directly from the land into rivers and the sea. Not all beaches are affected but the problem for swimmers is knowing when and where this has happened."

In May last year, MCS warned that climate change forecasts meant severe summer storms were likely to increase pollution around the coast, acting against future improvements in bathing water quality. MCS expects the new Government Bathing Water Regulations to provide better public information about short-term pollution risks on Britain's beaches.

However, it says specific counter measures are also needed including expansion of the sewer system to handle large volumes of storm water, action to address the estimated 3,500 unregulated combined sewer overflows, and a reduction in animal waste run-off from farm land.