Crawley girl smashes fundraising target

A seven-year-old Crawley girl is '˜really proud of herself' after raising more than £1,500 for a children's charity.

Laaibah Khan has smashed her initial target of £500 for the Little Princess Trust and has now pledged to have her hair cut to donate to a child cancer-sufferer after £2,000 is raised.

Her mum Rozina said Laaibah’s fundraising came out of the blue: “She came home from school and said, ‘Mummy, instead of giving money I want to donate my hair, I want to give it to somebody’.

“She actually chose the charity herself.

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“She’s a bright little girl... she’s already researching things.”

Laaibah, of Maidenbower, said on her page: “I love my hair very much and always wanted to grow it like [in