Teen double-stabbing a rare youth crime, Arun chief inspector says

DM1840523a.jpg. Chief Inspector Kris Ottery at Littlehampton police station. Photo by Derek Martin Photography. SUS-181004-154001008DM1840523a.jpg. Chief Inspector Kris Ottery at Littlehampton police station. Photo by Derek Martin Photography. SUS-181004-154001008
DM1840523a.jpg. Chief Inspector Kris Ottery at Littlehampton police station. Photo by Derek Martin Photography. SUS-181004-154001008
After months of vandalism and petty crime, a stabbing in the town centre which left three teens injured and another in court has brought the issue of youth crime into sharp relief. Dealing with it is more than just a police issue, as reporter James Butler found out.

In recent months, Littlehampton seems to have received its fair share of youth crime.

Sports clubs have complained of vandalism and acts of arson on their properties, and community groups affected by misbehaving young people have voiced their concerns.

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The recurring sentiment was that if something was not done, we would have a more serious situation on our hands. And that moment seemed to come on March 28, when two teenagers were stabbed in broad daylight in the town centre. A 16-year-old was charged in relation to the crimes, and will be appearing at Lewes Crown Court next month.

DM1840523a.jpg. Chief Inspector Kris Ottery at Littlehampton police station. Photo by Derek Martin Photography. SUS-181004-154001008DM1840523a.jpg. Chief Inspector Kris Ottery at Littlehampton police station. Photo by Derek Martin Photography. SUS-181004-154001008
DM1840523a.jpg. Chief Inspector Kris Ottery at Littlehampton police station. Photo by Derek Martin Photography. SUS-181004-154001008

The incident captured the public’s attention and galvanised Littlehampton town councillors, who have called for an extraordinary meeting with police and other agencies to stamp out youth crime in our town.

So what is being done?

Chief Inspector Kris Ottery is district commander for Arun and Chichester, and it is his job to oversee the officers responsible for preventing youth crime from happening and dealing with the incidents.

He said the incident on March 28 was the only incident recorded as a wounding in Arun involving minors in the last year. A wounding is defined by the police as breaking all layers of the skin.

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Police at the scene. Photo: Eddie MitchellPolice at the scene. Photo: Eddie Mitchell
Police at the scene. Photo: Eddie Mitchell