Extend civil partnerships to heterosexual couples says MP

MP Tim LoughtonMP Tim Loughton
MP Tim Loughton
Civil partnerships should be extended to heterosexual couples, East Worthing and Shoreham's MP is set to argue this week.

The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 made same-sex marriage legal in England and Wales, but MP Tim Loughton set out plans to correct a ‘glaring inequality’ through a 10 Minute Rule Motion back in October 2015.

He argued that ‘just as the house decided it was time for equal marriage then, it is surely time for equal civil partnerships now’.

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Now the second reading of his Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill is due to take place in the House of Commons on Friday (January 13).

Mr Loughton said: “Not only is it clear that extending civil partnerships is a popular idea, it’s also a straightforward and simple process.

“With cross-party support from MPs, I have tabled a Private Members’ Bill that would make a simple change to the wording of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and thereby allow equal civil partnerships.

“If the Government were to support us we could be seeing mixed-gender couples getting civilly partnered in the not too distant future.”

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A letter sent by MPs from across the political divide including Mr Loughton was sent to Justine Greening, Minister for Women and Equalities, back in November 2016 calling on the Government to extend civil partnerships.

Afterwards Matt Hawkins, campaign manager for the Equal Civil Partnerships Campaign, said: “Together with the 71,000 signatures on our petition and the motion passed unanimously by the London Assembly backing mixed-gender civil partnerships, this letter sends a very powerful message to the government about the need to make civil partnerships available to all.

“Allowing mixed-gender couples to get a civil partnership simply means giving every couple the right to get legal and financial protection for their relationship in a way that works for them.

“It’s perhaps unsurprising that MPs from across the political spectrum are now united in supporting that basic right and we hope that the government will listen to their call and extend civil partnerships.

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