Family homeless following fire

A FAMILY was left homeless after fire ripped through their bungalow in Three Oaks when a suspected electricity meter overloaded.

Neighbours of the two bedroom property in Maxfield Lane called the fire service at 8.55pm on Tuesday after they heard a smoke alarm and saw smoke pouring out of the roof.

Two engines from The Ridge fire station in Hastings, one from Bohemia Road, Hastings and one retained engine from Broad Oak attended the scene.

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The owner, his wife and daughter were elsewhere in the village when the fire broke out.

They returned soon after to find the roof well ablaze and six firefighters wearing breathing apparatus tackling the flames.

Firefighters went inside the building and rescued a Border Collie from the kitchen and a Bull Terrier from the utility room.

They spent an hour bringing the fire in the roof under control and eventually stood down from the job at midnight.

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The family stayed in a next door neighbour’s caravan overnight.