Mid Sussex District Council approves draft District Plan for government review

Mid Sussex District Council Offices, Oaklands Road, Haywoods Heath. Sussex. 

Picture : Liz Pearce. 240315
LP1500617 SUS-150324-114321008Mid Sussex District Council Offices, Oaklands Road, Haywoods Heath. Sussex. 

Picture : Liz Pearce. 240315
LP1500617 SUS-150324-114321008
Mid Sussex District Council Offices, Oaklands Road, Haywoods Heath. Sussex. Picture : Liz Pearce. 240315 LP1500617 SUS-150324-114321008
A plan which could help shape development in Mid Sussex for the next two decades has been rubber-stamped by councillors.

Mid Sussex District Council has unanimously agreed the draft District Plan for publication and submission to Central Government.

The plan, which will now face public consultation in May, was discussed at a special meeting of the council on March 18.

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“Our draft District Plan takes a balanced approach to the future development of Mid Sussex,” said Councillor Norman Webster, cabinet member for planning.