LETTER: I would gladly sell up

I read with hilarity the piece on the Uckfield-Lewes re-opening.

I have to agree it would be madness to re-open this before the BML2 direct route into Brighton is ready to roll, as platforms at Lewes are already at times dangerously overcrowded with passengers changing trains.

We know Norman Baker realised the value of the by-pass to reduce unnecessary traffic which has other destinations, as he suggested diverting the tunnel (of BML2) to pass under the town.

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To be clear, I argue that the BML2 plan for a direct line to Brighton via Falmer is the jewel in the crown.

Disregarding all the other advantages, it makes a second runway at Gatwick viable, and helps feed into Crossrail2 to provide direct access to the North.

ESCC seem only interested in East/West railways, rather than the bread and butter North/South lines which are overloaded and under-loved. I could give examples till the cows come home, but you are all busy people. The suggestion that the route is built on is nonsense.

There was only one property named for demolition, and I will gladly sell that and move out to anyone willing to do the necessary for the travelling public.

Captain Andy Goble,