A new dawn for Bexhill

Dawn rainbow over Bexhill on Sea. Photo taken by Sue Bishop SUS-200925-084537001Dawn rainbow over Bexhill on Sea. Photo taken by Sue Bishop SUS-200925-084537001
Dawn rainbow over Bexhill on Sea. Photo taken by Sue Bishop SUS-200925-084537001
From: Cllr Richard Thomas, Wickham Avenue, Bexhill-on-Sea

As the shadow of Covid falls once more over the country, here in Bexhill, there can be renewed pride, hope and optimism, as a new era of progress pushes aside the stale and stagnant status quo that has prevailed for so long.

No longer will we hear the arguments against a town council. At long last, Bexhill is to join every other sizeable town in enjoying its own democracy. Now there will be exciting discussions about what policies can be pursued to move Bexhill forward. My prediction is that affordable services will be delivered in innovative ways by working with creative individuals and organisations. We have seen what Bexhill Heritage has accomplished with the shelters while Bexhill in Bloom had begun, pre-Covid, to tidy the park and seafront. We will see many more examples of this way of working to transform our town. And I expect that, at long last, we will see the beginning of the process to create a Neighbourhood Plan for Bexhill, giving the town more of a say in its own future.

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By the way, what excellent news it is that Bexhill has again been awarded Silver Gilt, the second highest award, in Britain in Bloom! And that Ravenside roundabout, that everlasting eyesore, will at last be a fitting gateway to our beautiful town!

Another progressive policy is the creation of Alliance Housing. Once, every council created its own housing. The ending of this tradition by Margaret Thatcher’s government led to the housing crisis affecting young people in particular but also society in general. The new housing company, of which I will be a director, will deliver affordable, ecologically sound housing that will be constructed from sustainable materials using the latest techniques. Such houses will be a delight to inhabit and cheap to heat. Stalled sites will be brought forward and the housing will be available for purchase and rent, thereby helping with the waiting list and our duties towards the homeless.

At the same time, the workings and structure of Rother Council itself will become more logical and fit for purpose.

So we see: manifesto commitments honoured; jobs saved and secured; policy bottlenecks cleared; exciting innovations like the housing corporation coming on stream; the environment policy being developed. We can all be proud and pleased with the progress achieved, with the promise of more to come. Hurrah!

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