Outdoors learning in green room

Fifty Year 8 students from Bexhill High welcomed parents, staff and the public to explore their 'magical' sensory woodland walk at Ninfield Environmental Study Centre.

The project puts forward a convincing and inspirational argument for outdoor learning.

This was the culmination of a six month collaboration with artists from BLANK studios in Hove who have been working with Year 8 students and science, maths and design and technology teachers from Bexhill High to explore how a creative project based outside can be a stimulus for learning.

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By relocating the classroom to the woods, they were able to embark on a number of exciting design projects ranging from building a camera obscura and a chime room to a sundial tower and a seating area inspired by the solar system.

The project was funded by Creative Partnerships, a national programme allowing schools to collaborate with creative professionals such as artists, architects, carpenters and musicians.

Students took visitors on a tour of the site, confidently explaining the ideas behind their designs as well as the maths and science they had learned while taking part.

Adults and young people taking part had loved the calming atmosphere of the woods and appreciated that the project had provided opportunities for individuals to contribute in different ways.

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