Sussex charity needs help to improve the lives of children

Tristan on his trikeTristan on his trike
Tristan on his trike
Chailey Heritage Foundation is asking people for one last push to help it reach its 2022 fund raising target before it closes on Tuesday December 6.

Tristan is an active 10-year-old with physical disabilities and complex medical needs. He lives on site at Chailey Heritage Foundation and being able to exercise with the support of a specialised trike or walker gives him 'an emotional lift' each day.

Exercise is so important for children like Tristan who have to spend a lot of time in their wheelchairs.

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Teacher Helen Springall said: "It is absolutely vital for young people like Tristan that he is able to be active and go out in the fresh air. It is an essential part in his learning and daily life, he is very energetic, and it is really important for his mental wellbeing.

“When Tristan first came to Chailey, he wasn’t walking any distance in his walker. He will now regularly walk up to school and he’ll be in his walker all day for all purposeful journeys.

"When Tristan has been out on his trike he’ll come back refreshed, calm and very alert and because he had that physical exercise he can then focus more on his learning. Tristan is now moving towards some supported independent walking and can now walk 500 metres. He would not have been able to do that without the opportunity to access these specialist pieces of equipment on a daily basis.

"He enjoys his independent walking so much. It is essential for him, not an add-on to his curriculum."

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