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SMALL businesses in the 'bottleneck' area of Lewes High Street are petitioning the council for a direction sign.

SMALL businesses in the 'bottleneck' area of Lewes High Street are petitioning the council for a direction sign.

They feel many tourists turn automatically towards the town centre when they leave the castle after a visit, and often have no idea that there are charming shops in the other direction.

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The petition, to be handed to Lewes District Council, is being organised by Tristan Mirabaud of the 15th Century Bookshop.

'We have noticed that more and more tourists do not venture beyond the castle and do not realise that there are many quality shops, cafes, restaurants and pubs in the upper part of the High Street,' he said.

'This is an historic part of Lewes which should be more positively promoted.

'In the present climate of economic uncertainty, some retailers are struggling to survive and keep the heart of the town alive. Surely they offer a better attraction than a succession of barristers, banks and accountancy firms.'