Rye Arts Festival is back with a bang

Rye Arts Festival may be 43 years old but it is in sprightly form with a refreshing programme that takes in everything from Argentinian Tango, African theatre, Robert the Bruce and Beethoven played in the pub by a string quartet.

And the two week long festival launches today (Friday 12) with percussive performances around town by Rye College’s Blocco carnival band and a free concert of Americana music at Rye Community Centre with the Hallelujah Trails.

Another big change for the festival has seen it embracing input from local schools and colleges which has seen Rye Studio School students working with artists and productions as well as taking positions on the Festival Committee.

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Topping the bill on the opening Saturday evening (September 13) is a performance at the Milligan Theatre of the opera La Traviata by Euphonia, in which Rye Studio School played a key role in bringing to fruition.

The singers and full orchestra are all young professional musicians who have been brought together by Euphonia’s conductor and director Alisdair Kitchen for what will be a one-off performance.

Alisdair has said several meetings at Rye Studio School with students who are working on the set design, creating props including artworks, and costume design.

The Festival presents its usual high quality, eclectic mix of live musical performances, art exhibitions, literary events and talks,

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