Steyning toilets bogged down in controversy

A FORMER Steyning Parish Council chairman has written to the Herald to raise concerns over the town's High Street toilets and bus shelter.

I RECENTLY read an article about Steyning written by a John Batton for a local paper back in 1974.

With the exception of a reference to the need for a bypass, it could have been written today.

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What caught my eye was reference to the bus station and toilet in the centre of the town, and I quote, 'The only ugly thing is the hideous bus station and toilet bang opposite the old town clock' and 'that bus

building there in the High Street is just about as utility as anything could be, jarring among so much beauty'.

This view is shared by many local residents today. With this in mind and the recognition that the toilets desperately needed replacing,

Steyning Parish Council worked over a period of six years with Horsham District Council, the current owner of the building, to develop a plan

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which would include a new toilet building, retain a level of seating and enhance the current street scene.

A plan to achieve this was devised which involved little or no investment from public funds. This plan was subject to public consultation back in 2006 and had overwhelming public acceptance.