The Tim Hutchinson Show at Lurgashall

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Gillian Evans with her mixed flowers.ks16000896-4 SUS-160821-100205008ks16000896-4 Mid Lurg Hort  phot kate
Gillian Evans with her mixed flowers.ks16000896-4 SUS-160821-100205008
ks16000896-4 Mid Lurg Hort phot kate Gillian Evans with her mixed flowers.ks16000896-4 SUS-160821-100205008
When young Charlotte Murray's dog ate the funny vegetable creature she had made for Lurgashall Horticultural Club's summer show she was sad but undaunted and set to work again and her hard work paid off when she won first prize.

She was among 44 exhibitors displaying 321 entries. But it was Martin Hutchinson’s show - winning ten firsts and eight seconds.

Trophies: President’s winner’s shield, RHS Banksian medal, Prentice Salver for vegetables, Strudwick Tankard for pot plant and best flower: Martin Hutchinson; Village Hall centenary trophy for flower arrangement, Ted Rogers trophy for other vegetable, best vegetable and cookery exhibit: Maggie Wilding; Swannell Rose Bowl for flower classes, Black Salver for sweet peas: Gillian Evans; Orchard Park Farm Award for fruit, Boxall Goblet for cookery: Lin Davis; Land Rose Bowl for roses, Morgan Cup for drink: Gary Sharp; Christian Tankard for vegetable collection: Laurence Reed; potato-in-a-bag: Wendy Oakland; Mollie Aspinall Cup for dahlias: Steve Corr; Willan Rose Bowl: Rita Wood; Marmion Salver for handicraft: Christine Boxall; Noah’s Ark Frame for photography: Susanna Alwen; Junior exhibit 7-11 years: Libby Ohlson; Junior Shield: Isabelle Murray.

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Martin Hutchins with his cabbages.ks16000896-3
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Martin Hutchins with his cabbages.ks16000896-3
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ks16000896-3 Mid Lurg Hort phot kate Martin Hutchins with his cabbages.ks16000896-3 need to check spell of surname SUS-160821-100318008

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Maggie Wilding with her floral art entry.ks16000896-2 SUS-160821-100304008ks16000896-2 Mid Lurg Hort  phot kate
Maggie Wilding with her floral art entry.ks16000896-2 SUS-160821-100304008
ks16000896-2 Mid Lurg Hort phot kate Maggie Wilding with her floral art entry.ks16000896-2 SUS-160821-100304008

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