'˜Disturbing' Poundland Easter advert featuring bunny being branded divides Twitter

An Easter advert featuring a bunny being branded by a chick went viral after it ignited a heated row on Twitter.

The picture, uploaded by high street retailer Poundland, was intended to advertise the store's Easter offerings.

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In the image, a bunny can be seen bending over having just been branded with a large "X", along with the caption: "I’ve got a way to make you hot and cross, Bunny."

Twitter users soon voiced outrage over the image - with some labelling it "disturbing".

'Dumb humour'

Anne Bryceland said: "No that's just nasty."

While another user tweeted: "I'm sure a child would find it funny. It's rather dumb humour I think. A bit disturbing really."

"Obviously it’s done to provoke a reaction but..." Darren Monks said.

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I’ve got a way to make you hot and cross, Bunny. pic.twitter.com/qxVHRlRhun

— Poundland (@Poundland) March 25, 2018

"Is this really appropriate?" another commented.

Poundland has previously landed itself in hot water over a racy 'Elf Behaving Badly' Christmas advert.

The controversial campaign was banned but helped drive record-breaking sales of £59 million according to the retailer.

'Keep it up Poundland'

Some on Twitter were keen to applaud the store over their bold advertising strategy - with customers saying "don't ever change".

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Brian Whelton said: "It's good to see a company that still has a sense of humour and is prepared to use it! Keep it up Poundland!"

While Lisa tweeted: "Your tweets are a highlight of the holidays now."

"And they're back. @Poundland don't ever change." Jack Wade added.