Political parties must stop undermining local media with fake newspapers, says News Media Association head

'It has been worrying to see political parties seeking to undermine and abuse the trusted
relationship local news brands enjoy with their audiences''It has been worrying to see political parties seeking to undermine and abuse the trusted
relationship local news brands enjoy with their audiences'
'It has been worrying to see political parties seeking to undermine and abuse the trusted relationship local news brands enjoy with their audiences'

David Dinsmore is the chairman of the News Media Association, the voice of national, regional and local news media organisations in the UK. Here, he shares his thoughts on the importance of local media - and why political parties need to do more to help.

News brands, and in particular local newspapers and their websites, have a critical role to play in the general election.

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They are the most trusted source of local news and information in communities across the UK and members of the public rely on them to scrutinise authority on their behalf.

They perform this function day in day out but, in the midst of a hard-fought general election campaign, the sector really comes under the spotlight.

As well as from local candidates vying for a seat in parliament, local news brands have visits from party leaders who are keen to take their message out to communities via trusted platforms. Local news brands are, therefore, a vital part of the democratic process.

So, it has been worrying to see political parties seeking to undermine and abuse the trustedrelationship local news brands enjoy with their audiences.

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Fake local newspapers

In the past week, all three of the main parties have been accused of creating fake local newspapers carrying party political campaigning content rather than independent local news. The consequences of this tactic are far reaching.

David Dinsmore is the chairman of the News Media Association

Audiences could be led to believe that they are reading independent local news rather than party political content. Or, they could see the charade for what it is – a cynical attempt by politicians to mislead the public. In both scenarios, trust in both politicians and local news media is badly damaged as a result.

The News Media Association is calling on all political parties to immediately end this damagingpractice which harms and undermines our democratic society.

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Local news brands add immense value