Harty on... Albion legend Tony Millard

SADLY, there’s not ‘great news for Albion fans everywhere’ with the news of the sudden death last week of broadcasting legend Tony Millard.

Cantankerous, obnoxious, rude could all have appeared in any profile of Tony, as could professionalism, expertise and kindness. But, perhaps, most of all, entertaining. I’ve had the privilege of knowing and working with Tony for almost 25 years, including a number of years on the road covering the Albion.

One thing is for certain, it was never dull and he had an opinion on absolutely everything and wasn’t afraid to share it with anyone who would listen and, in some cases, people who didn’t want to.

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He was the pioneer of the football phoneline, starting the original Seagull line on 8049 more than 30 years ago.