New music video captures family life under lockdown

Family life under lockdownFamily life under lockdown
Family life under lockdown
A new fun song with video from Shoreham musician Tom Walker captures family life under lockdown. Tom features his daughters Ellie, aged 11, Bonnie (seven) and Cassidy (five) on the track Lockdown which he has released as a film on YouTube as TJ Walker and the Walker Sisters.

“The main thing was looking for things to do with the children who are not at school at the moment,” Tom said.

“The middle one was having piano lessons and the eldest one was having singing lessons.

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“They are all interested in music, and they often make little videos of things.

“I thought I would keep them interested and myself interested by writing a song and getting them to sing it. I was just trying to make it funny and talk about all the kinds of things that parents are experiencing at the moment like baking lots of cakes and watching lots of TV and also probably the most common thing for people with lots of girls in the house, telling them not to use too much loo roll because we can’t get any!

“I haven’t got any sons so I can’t compare, but with four girls in the house (ie including wife Sarah), we are getting through it!”

Tom had to do the video in little bursts: “Their concentration isn’t that great. I had to wait until they were in the mood and then get the camera out.

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“I just had to do it in little bits while they let me. They definitely enjoyed the singing, but I suppose it took three or four days.

“I had to stop when they started bickering with each other, and I had to wait until they weren’t too tired or weren’t too hungry.”

The results were worth it: “I think they really like it. They are not old enough to be self-conscious, but they have grown up being videoed. It is second nature for them. When we were that age, it was a novelty, but it is just a normal thing for them. They are just used to it!”

It all comes as a bit of fun at a deeply worrying time for all musicians everywhere.

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“Fortunately, I also write music at home in my studio, but certainly that has been affected.

“It has reduced a bit, but it is still ticking along a little bit. But all of my live work, all the functions, it has just been completely wiped out. And you can see that too with the musicians you know on Facebook. It has had a massive impact. It has completely wiped out the industry, though lots of people are coming up with ideas for new things, which was one of the drivers for doing this video.

“A lot of musicians’ sole source of income is live performance.

“They have been hit extremely hard, but lots of people are doing things online, like teaching, and that’s good. There are lots of people out there who have finally got time to do the things they have been meaning to do for a long time, like learn the guitar, and there are musicians online who can help them, which is great.”

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It will certainly help a number of musicians for a while. But Tom is under no illusions: there’s not necessarily going to be a huge explosion of activity when the lockdown lifts.

“I think there might be a reluctance to go out again, but I think the other problem will be the economy for everyone, that so many people will be having to tighten their belts. I think nearly everyone will be affected financially. I expect lots of weddings and parties will be put on hold. I am not expecting all the gigs I had booked to suddenly start happening again.”

It all comes as a particular disappointment to Tom. He had been hoping that the release of his debut album earlier this year would mean he would be out there playing much more of his own material. The Long Game is available on

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