
Icklesham newsIcklesham news
Icklesham news
GREETINGS: Are you superstitious? If so, beware today. Some claim that Friday 13th is a lucky day; others do not agree.

NEW VICAR: The announcement has been made that a Rector at Winchelsea and a Vicar at Icklesham, ( same person, different title) has been appointed, and he hopes to take up his duties in our Benefice early in the New Year. His name is Jonathan, his wife is Shirley, they have grown up children and a little dog.

The Eucharistic service at 9.30 am on Sunday, the eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, will be led by Rev. Malcolm Pickering. During the coming week we commemorate principally St. Luke. He was a Greek physician, friend and companion of St. Paul. From earliest times he was acknowledged to be the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. His feast day, 18th October, often coincides with a short spell of fine weather, St. Luke’s little summer.

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COFFEE MORNING: Or Church Market if you prefer that name. Anyway, it is not tomorrow but the following Saturday,21st October, 10.30 am until 12 noon. This is an early warning.

CHURCHES TOGETHER: There will be a service to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Luther’s 95 theses.There will be a special choir. If you would wish to be involved, please contact Canon Richard Orchard on 01797 22 59 16. This will take place in St. Mary’s Church, Rye, on Sunday 29th October at 6 pm.

WEATHER: Mixed about sums it up. I am amazed and pleased to see so many flowers in the gardens. There are still lots of roses, nerines and chrysanthemums will be with us soon. My autumn flowering camellia has its first flowers. At last the grass has slowed down a bit. Each morning it is silver with dew, and have you seen the garden tiger’s beautiful webs all strung with diamonds?

CRAFT FAIR: The Macmillan Coffee Morning and Craft Fair will be held on Saturday 14th October - TOMORROW - from 10 am until 2.30 pm in the Memorial Hall. There will be lots of locally made craft items for sale. There will also be a tombola with all proceeds going to Macmillan. Everyone is welcome and there will be lots to look at while you enjoy tea or coffee and cake. Plenty of free parking.

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PANTOMIME AUDITIONS: Auditions will be held on Sunday 15h October at 2.30 pm in the Memorial Hall. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come along and join in. There is no age limit. The production is a three - story pantomime set in Icklesham called “The Cat’s Tale.” This has been specially written for Icklesham by Del Smith. Characters in the three stories include Pops, the pantomime story teller, Cinderella, Buttons and the Ugly Sisters, Dick Whittington, King Rat, Mog, our mystery Cat, and a host of other parts including villagers, rats and woodland animals. Rehearsals will start in late October. Would anyone interested in acting, singing, behind scenes and so on, please contact Del Smith on 07508 107 761.

SECRET SPITFIRES: A film to be broadcast on TV next year, revealing how Spitfire fighters were built in secret during World War 11 will have a preview on Saturday 14th October in the New Hall in Winchelsea beginning at 3 pm. The parts had to be built in sheds, bus garages, warehouses and so on because the Luftwaffe regularly bombed known munitions factories across the UK. There will also be a short film made in the 1920s of Winchelsea and its environs..The Secret Spitfires will be broadcast in 2018 to coincide with the creation of the Royal Airforce 100 years earlier. Tickets at £8 will be sold at the door on a first-come-first-served basis.

QUEEN’S HEAD: The live music on Sunday at 4 pm will be played by Titus, playing Folk music. On Wednesday 18th there will be a Quiz night starting at 8.30 pm in aid of Breast Cancer Now.

SCHOOL NEWS: What a busy place our school is !! Excellent work was done during the Grounds Days, and many thanks to all the helpers. Winners in the Horticultural Show last week were : Squirrels Class, Gold, Cooper, Silver,Percy and Bronze, Betty; Badger Class, Gold, Daisie, Silver ,Peggy and Harry, Falcon Class, Gold, Lauren, Silver, Jazmin, Bronze, Mabel; Fox Class, Gold, Jasmine, Silver ,Sophie, Bronze, Inigo. The child with the most points was Head prefect Jasmine. Georgina has been welcomed as a year 6 Prefect after a successful application. Parking is being a problem. The local PCSO has been invited to attend school to check the situation. There are lots more awards. The Headteacher’s awards this week go to : Squirrels Class, Gabriel for sharing your experiences; Badger Class, Fynn for working hard and having polite manners; Falcon Class, Heidi for showing kindness; and Fox Class, Mary for brightening everyone’s day. Class awards go to : Squirrel Class, Moses and Ella-Sophia; Badger Class, Summer T. and Finley; Falcon Class, Jorja and Alisha; and Fox Class, Amaro and Grace. The class awards are for work during the week. Arthur wins the politeness award this week and Badger Class wins the Caretaker’s award Badgers also win the attendance award. During the week there has also been Cross Country, Tag Rugby, Individual photos, Parent consultations and the Learning Ambassadors’ trip. Next Friday there will be a Friends PTFA Disco from 3.15 - 4.30 pm. That day is the last day of Term 1, so no school for a week.

CONTACT: Please let me know of anything which you would like advertised in the Village Voice.

AND FINALLY: Just a hope that you will enjoy your week with “no alarums and excursions.”