What can be done about the pavements in Hastings Old Town being routinely damaged by delivery lorries?

Kerbstones in The Old Town Hastings SUS-210819-153053001Kerbstones in The Old Town Hastings SUS-210819-153053001
Kerbstones in The Old Town Hastings SUS-210819-153053001
From: Michael Plumbe, The Bourne, Hastings

Many of the narrow Old Town streets are lined by large granite kerbstones.

On the one-way stretch of the High Street opposite the old Town Hall/museum, there is no official parking but large delivery vans are always to be found there with one side just on the pavement.

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This plays havoc with the stones. Outside the laundrette I have seen workmen re-setting the stones and repairing the pavement some three time in the last few months. A couple of days ago workmen were there again, manhandling these heavy stones back into place.

As the workmen drove away, a large van drove over the stones which tilted under the weight. Later I found I could wobble one of the stones with my foot.

No doubt the workmen will be back yet again soon enough

I would bring back donkey carts to the ancient streets of the Old Town - but that might not be a popular idea.

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