German schools

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Having enjoyed a German education and worked in the English education system for nearly 20 years, I am always appalled at the complete disregard for education in most of the education secretary’s past and present suggestions, laws, rules and amendments.

The school day in Germany starts at 7.45am and for primary school children (age seven in the first year) it finishes at either 11.45am or 12.35pm. For higher years it then goes up to a 2.10pm finish.

Lunch break in Germany (also called big break) is 25 minutes.

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Between every lesson there is either a five minute or 15 minute (11am usually) break.

If you do your maths that equates to a maximum of six lessons, each 45 minutes long.

It always amazes me that studies show that England is behind but nobody takes any interest in asking the other countries how they do it.

Education should NOT ever be controlled by party political little Napoleons and changed according to whatever party manifesto is the current flavour of the month!

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