LETTER: Is MP in denial over N Horsham plans?

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Francis Maude MP wrote in his article ‘Two sides to the Horsham housing debate’ (WSCT Horsham edition, 19.06.14) that ‘most of the opponents of the north of Horsham project live in north Horsham itself’.

Well that statement is utterly untrue. Does Mr Maude know what he is writing about? Does he not have anyone help to advise him - or is he just on another planet?

For the record here is a list of objectors to the north Horsham project: North Horsham Parish Council; Colgate Parish Council, Rusper Parish Council, Warnham Parish Council, the Horsham Society and Keep Rusper Green – as well as residents in the town.

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In addition Mole Valley District Council has raised concerns about the project as they are perplexed about the need for an industrial park and are concerned about the impact on traffic on the A24.

Mr Maude ignores four parish councils; a neighbouring district council and the Horsham Society, of which he is a vice-president. Clearly just like Cllrs Dawe, Vickers, Croft, Baldwin, Cornell, O’Connelly and Rae, Mr Maude is in denial and just isn’t listening to the majority of the people in his constituency.

Roger Baker

New Moorhead Drive, Horsham