LETTER: Questions at council meetings

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Regarding the County Times of Thursday May 1 and the page four report headlined ‘Anger that only first six questions received can be asked at meeting’, the question was raised in the article about the number and time allowed for public questions at council meetings.

A further explanation may be useful to others for future meetings. The democratic services officer wrote to those whose questions were not able to be asked in person on 30th April and explained the council’s policy.

In general there is a limit of 15 minutes for public questions with two minutes allocated for each question to be asked.

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The number and time allowed for questions is set before each meeting by the chairman and questions are normally asked in the order that they are received. The chairman may choose to group similar questions.

In the meeting on the 30 April all the questions that were asked were looked at by all councillors present together with the answers that had been prepared. The questions and answers will later be published with the minutes of the meeting.

The part of the Constitution that deals with this can be viewed in full on the council’s website: http://www.horsham.gov.uk/files/Constitution_Part_4I.pdf


Chief executive, Horsham District Council, North Street, Horsham