LETTER: Right people with right expertise?

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Your letters
I have sent the following open letter to Tom Crowley, chief executive of Horsham District Council.

Dear Mr Crowley. You are quoted in the West Sussex County Times of January 30, ‘it’s tough in local government and most of you have got private sector backgrounds’.

Do you suggest that it’s not tough in the private sector? Rubbish. For quite some time following the implosion of 2008, the public sector generally was a lot more comfortable, generous on salaries, pensions and benefits.

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I don’t know Ms Rogers’ background, but to say that all of the staff she worked with were ‘very dedicated to the people of our district’, is missing the point.

The point is are they all fit for purpose? Are they ‘the right people in the right jobs with the right expertise’?

Dr Holmes is quoted describing the 2009 restructure as resulting in the ‘creation of a very weak organisation, a flawed structure and inappropriate people in some key roles’. Who was responsible for that?

Mr Crowley, I ask you another serious question: How many of your staff, particularly of those remaining, have any meaningful experience and expertise working in the private sector?

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Please don’t fudge the answer; please be frank. A further question: does HDC have any planned strategy for bringing in any private sector expertise? And I don’t mean lawyers, accountants and architects, etc.

Does HDC have any planned strategy to allow appropriate staff to work for an adequate period in the private sector; eg, by secondment or exchange?


Worthing Road, Horsham