
APOLOGIES: For including the Ringmer Hub notice last week when it took place on the previous Saturday. I hope I didn't inconvenience too many people. I sent the copy off from my ipad in a hurry as the engineer called to see to my main computer which had gone on strike. Being unable to use my computer I had information on two machines and in my hurry I didn't check my email carefully enough.

DRAMATIC SOCIETY: The society’s Spring Production, Curtain Call by Bettine Manktelow, directed by Ruth Whitlock, will be performed in Ringmer Village Hall tonight (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) at 7.45pm. An amusingly chaotic day in the life of Alec Partridge, Manager of the Thurlow Playhouse. The director of an amateur production of Oklahoma demands real horses in the show, an Arts Council agent arrives to assess the theatre’s eligibility for a grant, can anything go wrong? Tickets £8 are available from The Pet Store in Springett Avenue, online at www.ticketsource.co.uk/ ringmerdramaticsociety or from Denis Drinan on 07753 317373.

HISTORY STUDY GROUP: Please note that the time and place of tonight’s (Friday) meeting has changed. It will be held in St Mary’s Church at 8pm as the Dramatic Society is using the village hall. At this meeting Deirdre Booth and Margaret Sweatman will explain the outcomes of the careful and expert study of our church’s features, decorations, monuments and furnishings carried out by members of the Fine Arts. Please note that the church choir will be rehearsing until 8pm, but we are welcome to enter quietly and listen to them.

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BOWLS CLUB: Coffee Morning will be held tomorrow, Saturday, from 10am to 11.30am in the club house on the green. Entry 50p to include coffee and biscuits. There will be a cake stall, a raffle and a tombola. All will be welcome.

SAVE RINGMER LIBRARY: The Save Ringmer Library group is looking at the possibility of running a community library. They would like to invite all interested parties to a second public meeting tomorrow, Saturday, at 11am at Ringmer Village Hall. There will be activities for children, while the meeting is taking place. All welcome, please bring ideas and enthusiasm.

ST MARY’S: On Sunday there is an 8am Holy Communion and we start Holy Week with a Palm Sunday service which starts on the Green at 10am. We recall the way the crowds waved palms and greeted Jesus so enthusiastically as he rode into Jerusalem, just one week before he died on the Cross. By contrast, the evening service at 6.30pm will be one of quiet meditation. On Monday at 11am there is a special Julian Prayer group, an opportunity to pray in silence. The Way of the Cross prayers and meditations are in church from 5pm on Tuesday and on Wednesday at 11am there will be a Eucharist Service. On Maundy Thursday, the Eucharist at 7pm includes the washing of hands. On Good Friday, there is a three hour time of Devotion in the church from noon. And on April 1 we greet the Easter Morning with a Eucharist Service at 8am and a Family Service at 10am. REMINDER: The church will be open throughout the Easter Weekend for the Art Group’s Exhibition, do come along and see the work of these wonderful artists. There will be refreshments and the opportunity to buy some artwork.