Transport minister says Hastings link road is crucial

The transport minister this week suggested the regeneration of Hastings would be undermined if rail and road improvements did not go ahead.

Lord Andrew Adonis visited Glyne Gap on Tuesday to see the site of the Hastings-Bexhill Link Road.

"Labour has invested in transport and will continue to do so but all that would be put in jeopardy by a Tory government," he said.

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Speaking to the Observer beside the gridlocked A268, Lord Adonis spoke of the need for the link road.

"It is absolutely critical to relieving one of the most acute bottlenecks in the area and one of the key routes in and out of Hastings. Labour is committed to taking forward the link road and I believe there is overwhelming public support do so."

Asked about the Lib Dems' opposition to the scheme and what would happen if Nick Clegg's party wielded the balance of power come May 7, he said: "I cannot legislate for other political parties."

He went on to say the Government was committed to improving train services but he admitted: "I would like to see the trains sped up, but that means more modern trains and that means investment, which we will provide."

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Lord Adonis went on to meet with the St Leonards and Hastings Rail Improvement Programme (Shrimp) which a spokesman for the group described as "useful."

And he also said it was his "firm intention" to get on with the widening of the A21 which is currently subject to a public consultation.

"We need to start work as soon as we can '“ that would have considerable benefits for Hastings," he said.

He also took the opportunity to praise Michael Foster: "He is an outstanding MP who is a brilliant advocate for Hastings in parliament.