Menstrual cups linked to increased risk of toxic shock syndrome

Menstrual cups have been linked to an increased risk of the rare but potentially fatal toxic shock syndrome (TSS).

Tampons are already known to carry a risk but researchers have now shown that menstrual cups, an increasingly popular form of menstrual care, can also promote the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that create a TSS toxin.

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"Both intravaginal devices appear to be risk factors for the development of menstrual toxic shock syndrome and precautions should be advised," researchers wrote in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

Air trapped between the fibres of tampons and while inserting menstrual cups is suspected by the French research team of boosting the growth of the bacteria.

Research findings

Researchers recommended that women use small rather than large cups, where possible, to minimise the volume of air trapped during insertion.

Concerns were raised by researchers that many women might be re-contaminating themselves because the bacteria can remain on the cups even after being washed three times. They recommended boiling the cups between use.

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